2022 Synopsis

As we draw to a close for 2022, I wanted to take a moment to highlight some of our upcoming improvements and recent accomplishments.

Upcoming Discord Channel

We will soon be adding a Discord channel to our Operations tools to bring in more people from across the region who may not be licensed radio operators. The team felt that this has become a necessary move due to the number of spotters and weather enthusiasts in the area that are underrepresented when it comes to severe weather. This move will in essence extend the same resources to the non-radio world that we have provided in the past. In addition to the availability of timely information, this will act as a resource to provide additional information and feedback. Maybe you have some pictures of storm damage or a weather event that is time sensetive, and social media is your typical avenue for sharing that information. Soon there will be a resource available to instantly drop that image or video in where it can be relayed directly to NWS in short order. The goal is to create a central clearing house of information for the region similar to that of government resources that will be available to the public without creating undue strain on NWS staff attempting to keep up with it. It is our hope with time we will be able to unify the weather community across television, radio, 2-way, internet, government, and volunteers, so that we may all benefit from a singular point of access. The goal, if everything goes well through the trial phase, and with proper approvals, is to have it live by January 1st 2023.

Growing Radio Network

This year we have managed to expand our radio network to a large percentage of the region. Through our sponsors at Mobile County Communications, RRPA, South Alabama Radio Club, and regional ARES/RACES organizations, the network has become more robust than ever before. This allows our radio based spotters to have a place to pass along their reports no matter where they are in the area. As always we are working on plans to solidify this network, and fill in the remaining voids. We will be auditing the frequency list at the beginning of the new year to bring it up to date accordingly.

Skywarn Recognition Day

Although it was rather short notice, this year the COVID restrictions have been lifted and we were able to resume operations at NWS. Poor atmospheric conditions, and a high volume of traffic, led to more than a few difficulties, but we managed to make contact with 63 stations 22 states and 10 NWS offices across the country. With the lifting of said restrictions, next year should be more productive, as we will have time to improve the station and plan accordingly in the event or personell shortages.

In closing, I want to thank everyone for their continued hard work in making this dream a reality. There are too many names to list, but without the continued efforts of everyone involved this system wouldn’t exist.